Finance and Funding (Postgraduate)
Course fees are fixed for each year and are subject to variation from one year to the next and also vary from subject to subject. Accommodation charges also vary from year to year. As much notice as possible is given of any increases in fees and charges. The two links below will take you to the Oxford University central fees page and the HMC accommodation charges page.
Postgraduate Fees
Accommodation Charges
Living Costs
US Loans
The Joan Crewdson Endowment Awards
Applications for awards (usually of up to two thousand pounds) from the Joan Crewdson Endowment are invited from Oxford students doing advanced degrees in Theology. The endowment was established by grants to Harris Manchester College from the Crewdson Trust. The aims of the awards are to promote study and research in Christian theology relevant to the production of contemporary re-statements of the Christian faith or its application, and also to encourage research into the role of religion in eliminating violence and promoting peace.
Grants will generally be restricted to students doing advanced degrees in Theology at the University of Oxford who are resident in the UK. Please note that this means students currently doing a postgraduate degree that includes a substantial element of postgraduate level research in their current year of study (which could include a master’s dissertation), and so will normally exclude students doing the PGDip or the first year of the MTh. Priority will be given to people who are not fully funded or have a very small income, and preference will also be given to those studying or wishing to study at Harris Manchester College, Oxford (although in practice this does not prevent successful applications from other colleges).
All applications for awards are first reviewed by the Crewdson Trust. Applicants must send a completed application form (available below) and CV to, and have their supervisor provide a reference (also sent to Any enquires about the awards can be directed to the Secretary to the Crewdson Trust, Dr Tobias Tanton, Harris Manchester College (
The closing date for the next round of applications is 22 May 2025, and we aim to inform applicants of the outcome the following month.
Crewdson Trust Application Form