Information for Offer Holders

Information for Undergraduate Offer Holders

Congratulations on receiving an offer from Harris Manchester College!

We hope that you will be able to join us in due course. If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch with the Admissions Officer.


Email the Admissions Officer

Offer Holder Days

We would like to invite you to our offer holder events in March! We will be holding one in-person on Monday 3 March and one online on Friday 7 March.
If you'd like to attend, please complete the form below by Sunday 16 February.

You are welcome to come to both events, and you can bring a guest to the in-person events. These are a fantastic opportunity to see Harris Manchester College, meet your tutors and current students, and get to know each other. We hope you can join us!

3 March - In-person Event
12:00 - Tea and Coffee, Q&A session with College Officers and current students
13:00 - Lunch with the Subject Tutors
13:45 - Tours of the College with current students

7 March - Online Event
12:15 - Q&A session with College Officers and current students
13:00 - Sessions with the Subject Tutors
13:30 - Virtual tour of the College with current students


RSVP here

Join the online events

Certifying Qualifications


Almost all offer holders will need to provide evidence of qualifications already obtained. There are a few ways you can provide this listed in the tabs below.


If your transcript is in any language other than English, you must submit:

  • the original official transcript, and
  • a translation of the transcript into English which is either:
    • issued and stamped by the institution that issued your transcript, or
    • translated by a professional translated and visibly certified, i.e. signed and stamped, by the professional translator or an authorised notary.

Any non-English transcripts you submit without a translation will be rejected.


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You can mail the original documents to us at the below address:

The Admissions Officer

Harris Manchester College

Mansfield Road




A certified copy is where a professional is provided with the original copies of your certificates, makes a copy, and then signs the copies to verify that they are identical to the originals. They cannot certify certificates they haven't seen original copies of.

You can mail certified copies to us at the below address:

The Admissions Officer

Harris Manchester College

Mansfield Road



These copies can be verified by an independent individual. We would expect it to be one of the following that is not related to you:

  • bank or building society official,
  • councillor,
  • minister of religion,
  • dentist,
  • chartered accountant,
  • solicitor or notary,
  • teacher or lecturer.


You can ask the body that issued the certificate to email us directly at to confirm your qualifications. This could be the exam board (e.g. AQA, Edexcel, etc.) or the school through which you achieved the qualifications.

We are not able to accept scans of certificates unless they come directly from the awarding body.

We cannot accept an email that has been sent to you and forwarded to us


You can provide us with a link to a secure portal or eDocuments service hosted by the body that awarded your qualification. This includes OpenCerts for Singaporean qualifications.

We cannot accept scans that you provide via your own server, e.g. dropbox, sharepoint, etc.

Financial Declaration Forms

(for those starting in 2025)


In order to take up your place, you will need to complete a Financial Declaration Form.

An individual form will be emailed to you by the Admissions Officer.

The completed form and supporting evidence should be returned by 30 June 2025.

If you have any questions please direct them to

Undergraduate Fees and Funding information may be found here


(for those starting in 2025)

We guarantee college accommodation for first-year undergraduates. You can find out more about our accommodation policies here and there are pictures of some of our rooms here and here. Please don't send in any accommodation forms until you are asked to do so.


By Sunday 16 February, please could you use the below form to indicate whether you would like to live in college. This is not binding; this is just to give us an indication so that we can set aside enough rooms. You'll be asked to confirm closer to the start of the year.


Indicate whether you would like to live in college


For those of you who would like to explore other accommodation options, the Oxford Students Student (Oxford SU) has an advice service here.

Contracts and Handbooks

The College Handbook is updated every summer in an agreed process involving current students, and all students then become bound by the updated version. We draw students’ attention to any important changes to the handbook each year.


There's a sample College Contract here for you to review; this is the contract that students joining in 2024 were required to sign. You will be issued with signing copies of the College and University Contracts later in Summer 2025.


The University Student Handbook 2024-25 may be found here. (the 2025-26 version will appear here in due course).


Please note: by accepting your Offer, you agree to the University collecting and using your individual personal data, including, in exceptional circumstances, sensitive personal data. This will be done in accordance with the principles set out here.


Harris Manchester’s data protection policy can be found here, and information about our access guide can be found here.


Students form a very important part of our work with applicants, and they engage with applicants at outreach days and by providing material such as their Alternative Prospectus. Our staff also provide information and guidance to applicants at outreach events and open days. We greatly value their help in making applicants feel welcome and giving them a sense of Oxford; and we work hard to ensure our representatives are well-informed and give applicants accurate information. However, when you are deciding whether to accept an offer from us, you should please only rely on the material which is supplied to you by the University or by college, such as our college website, our student handbook, and responses to you from our college office. If you have any questions, the college will always be pleased to help you with the information you need to make an informed choice of where to study.

Online Offer Holder Day Links