George Hudson


Contact Details

Phone: 01865 271967


Website (N/A)

George Hudson

Official Fellow and Chairman of the Investment Committee

After reading Mathematics at Merton College, George joined the merchant bank Morgan Grenfell. He became a director on its international side, but left to join the Barclays Group in 1989.  At the time of his retirement from the City in 1995 he was a managing director of Barclay’s investment bank.

George has been involved with Harris Manchester College since shortly after it joined the University as a permanent private hall in 1990, and acted on the advisory panel leading up to its gaining full College status in 1995.

Since the 1980’s he has pursued interests in design, building and construction, and has been responsible for the library gallery, the remodelling of Sekyra Building, Conway Hall, 30 Holywell and  Oxley Ching, and is currently creating the new student hall. He aspires to create the best accommodation in Oxford for all the College’s undergraduates, graduates, fellows and visitors.

George looks after the day-to-day interests of the Farmington Trust Limited, an external charity which is exclusively devoted to funding the Farmington Institute within the College.

George would like to see the College develop as a centre for research in the application of mathematical and computing techniques in finance and investment management.

He is a fellow and Chairman of the College’s investment committee.