For Undergraduates
For First Degrees
Those from low income backgrounds may be eligible for sources of financial support including Oxford Bursaries and Crankstart Bursaries amongst others. For further information and to find out if you are eligible for a bursary, please follow this link to the Central Bursary portal.
In addition the Government offers further financial support for those from low income backgrounds. For information on eligibility and the level of support, please follow this link to the Central University's dedicated portal for government funding.
Those who are reading for a Second Undergraduate Degree are not eligible for Crankstart or Oxford Bursaries but you may be awarded a scholarship. All Harris Manchester offer holders for Second Undergraduate Degrees (excluding those reading Graduate Entry Medicine) are eligible to apply, including overseas students from outside the UK or Republic of Ireland. Awards will be made primarily on the basis of academic merit but applicants’ financial situation will also be taken into consideration. Offer holders will be forwarded the relevant application form in January.
International students may be eligible for some of the other Oxford scholarships listed on the Central Bursary Portal.
UK students may apply for a Disabled Student's Allowance (DSA). International students may be eligible for university fuding for some disbaility-relate costs. This assistance does not have to be repaid. Further information is available from the University's Disability Advisory Service.
Prospective students from the UK with children may apply through the government for funding to help with childcare with support issued on a case by case basis. Sources of funding include:
1. Childcare Grant. This is funding provided by the government and students apply through their LA. This is for childcare provision costs for full time students with dependent children in registered or approved childcare. It is based on actual childcare costs and is means tested.
2. Parents’ Learning Allowance. This is for course-related costs for full time students with dependent children. It is means tested and students apply through their LA.
3. Child Tax Credits. For students this replaces Dependants Grant for children. It is means tested on income and circumstances (Inland Revenue). You don’t have to be working to claim it.
On-course student parents may apply for the Oxford Hardship Fund (which has replaced the Access to Learning Fund scheme).
More information for student parents can be found here.
The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust
The Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust supports the work of mature students of proven academic merit, and in financial need, who are pursuing further degree qualifications at an institution in the UK. Open to students from all countries, applicants must be resident in the UK at the time of applying, as well as during their course of study. The Trust supports postgraduate degrees in any subject, as well as courses in medicine or veterinary sciences taken as a second degree. All grants are made annually, and are normally between £500 and £1,500.
Please see for further details.
The Sidney Perry Foundation
The Sidney Perry Foundation is a non-profit organisation is dedicated to providing grants to students to assist persons to obtain education in its widest sense, other than primary, when the expenses thereof would without such assistance be beyond their means.
Please see for further details.
The Humanitarian Trust
The Humanitarian Trust awards one-off grants of a maximum of £1,000 to students each year who have a shortfall in their income needed to complete their course of study.
Please see for further details.
For Postgraduates
Applications for awards (usually of up to two thousand pounds) from the Crewdson Trust are invited from Oxford students doing advanced degrees in Theology. The aims of the trust are to promote study and research in Christian theology relevant to the production of contemporary re-statements of the Christian faith or its application, and also to encourage research into the role of religion in eliminating violence and promoting peace. The trustees may also award travelling bursaries, book bursaries and prizes relevant to the above aims. Grants will be restricted to people studying at the University of Oxford and priority will be given to UK residents and/or people who are not fully funded or have a very small income and preference will also be given to mature students and to those studying or wishing to study at Harris Manchester College, Oxford (although in practice this does not prevent successful applications from other colleges)
For more information about this scholarship please see Finance and Funding (Postgraduate) | Harris Manchester College.
For further sources of financial support, please see here.