Welfare and Wellbeing
If life is at risk, such as suspected heart attack, stroke, anaphylaxis, severe bleeding or difficulty breathing: please call 999.
A defibrillator is available in the telephone box outside Sekyra.

Kerry Minton - Welfare Lead
Supported by the JCR reps and other members of the Welfare team, Kerry is able to help students who might want support, advice and information about their mental health and any other issues whilst studying at Oxford.
Appointments can be in person, or online via Teams. Please email Kerry if you would like to set up a meeting.
Upcoming Events
Who to contact

Junior Deans

Bomikazi Lupindo
Junior Dean

Emily Whitaker
Assistant Junior Dean
The Junior Deans are graduate students able to advise about general issues around your mental health and academic concerns.
They are the emergency contacts for out of hours support and can be reached on 07909476586.
Harassment Advisers
Our Harassment Advisors provide the opportunity for members of the college to raise and discuss issues that are impacting the quality of their studying, working or living environment. Above all else Harassment Advisors aim to provide practical, meaningful support at a time when it is most needed.
Conversations with Harassment Advisors are confidential, empathetic, non-judgmental and supportive. They provide a safe space for individuals to discuss the challenges they are facing without the fear of recrimination or the pressure to take the conversation further should they decide not to do so (unless there is a legal requirement to take further action).
Contacts for Specific Areas
College Doctors
All students living in College must register with a doctor in Oxford, and preferably with the College doctors. It is important for you to register with a doctor as soon as possible. The College Doctors are the 19 Beaumont Street practice. You can register with their practice using the information sent out to you at the beginning of the year. While you will be registered with one of our College doctors, any doctor in the practice can be consulted if it is urgent for you to see a doctor at short notice. There is also a nurse who can be consulted during surgery hours for advice on minor ailments.
Students who register with a doctor other than the College doctors should be aware that they will be personally responsible for paying any fees incurred for doctor's certificates.
Appointments may be may by telephoning 01865 240501, (or if you use the telephone in the Library entrance on #6 411) or by calling at the Reception Desk at the surgery.
Night and Weekend Visits
A doctor is available for urgent medical calls when the surgery is closed. Telephone 201865 250501 (or #6 411 on the telephone in the Library entrance). A recorded message will give you the number of the doctor on duty. Alternatively please ring 111.
Emergency Calls
In case of emergency please ring 999. A list of trained first-aiders can be found on notice boards in the College.
For information about emergency services and out of hours medical services please see https://www.ox.ac.uk/students/welfare/health/emergencies
Medical Care for Overseas Students
All students resident in Britain for a course of study of six months or longer will be entitled to medical health care under the National Health Service but medication and drugs may have to be paid for and there is a newly introduced immigration health charge (please see below for details). If you are here for less than six months, you will be liable to pay for all consultations and treatment, and you are advised to take out insurance to cover this. Immigration health charge: for access to NHS services for student visa holders coming for more than six months. This will be £150 a year, per year of the course, and paid in advance at the time of the visa application. It will apply to those making a visa application, or extending a current visa, on or after 6 April 2015. Further details are explained on the UKCISA website, and the student visa webpages.
For international students who are unfamiliar with the NHS, an explanation of services available and how to access them please click here. Further information can be found on the University website here.
Harris Manchester is committed to providing support to all of our students to enable them to meet their full academic potential. As such we are signed up to the principles of the University’s Common Framework for Disabled Students. We work closely with the University’s Disability Advisory Service (DAS) to ensure that assistance required for disability with regards to academic, social or domestic life is in place.
The College's Disability Officer is Victoria Lill who can be found in the Academic Office or alternatively can be reached by phone on 01865 (2)71009 or by email on victoria.lill@hmc.ox.ac.uk. Students are encouraged to contact her with any questions or concerns they may have relating to disability.
Harris Manchester has two contacts at the University Disability Advisory Service: Tina Dialektaki (konstantia.dialektaki@admin.ox.ac.uk) who manages mental health disabilities and Sarah Jones, who manages all other disabilities (sarah.jones2@admin.ox.ac.uk). Both are based in the University Disability Advisory Service which is located at 3 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2AW. The Disability Advisory Service can also be contacted on disability@admin.ox.ac.uk, +44(0)1865 289825.
For information on which venues are accessible please download the Sociability App. Information on the accessibility of University and College buildings can be found here.
If you have not yet disclosed a disability or chronic condition we encourage you to get in touch and also to complete the Disability Advisory Service Registration Form. All disclosures are treated confidentially.
Welfare Resources
Under the law it is a criminal offence to take, possess, manufacture, pass to others, or sell drugs; or to be knowingly concerned in the management of premises where any of these things are done. The College wishes its policy with regard to involvement with drugs to be clearly known and understood. Any member of the College who becomes involved in taking, manufacturing, passing to others, or selling drugs (e.g. heroin, amphetamine sulphate, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine and 'crack', etc.) must expect to be expelled. Involvement with drugs such as cannabis will result in discipline and even suspension.
Anyone requiring help of any sort in connection with drugs may take one or other of the following courses of action:
- Medical help may be sought either from the College doctor or any other general practitioner. The National Drugs Helpline can be contacted on 0800 776600 (free phone), or you may wish to look at this NHS-run site for general information: http://www.trashed.co.uk/
- You may approach the Drug Squad of the Thames Valley Police (Phone: 01865 249881).
- There are two listening services, Nightline (run by students for students - 16 Wellington Square, tel. (2)70270: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~nightln/), and the Samaritans (123, Iffley Road, tel. 722122 any time, or try the national number 08457 909090);
- You may approach some member of the Senior Common Room, bearing in mind that responsibility to other members of College, and the law, may impose some limit on the degree of confidentiality that may be maintained.
OUSU Advice on Harassment and Abuse: http://ousu.org/advice/life-welfare/harassmentandbullying/ Email advice@ousu.ox.ac.uk, Telephone 01865 288466 Visit us at 2 Worcester Street Oxford OX1 2BX, Drop in Mondays 10am-12 noon; Wednesdays: 12-2pm; Friday 2pm-4pm. For information about the OUSU Student Advice Service please click here.
Solace (Sexual Assault Referral Centre): http://www.solacesarc.org.uk/
Oxford Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Centre:http://www.oxfordrapecrisis.net/ Telephone Helpline: 01865 726 295 or freephone 0800 783 6294 24 Hour Answerphone: 01865 726 295
It Happens Here: Oxford student website explaining options and resources available after sexual violence https://ithappenshereoxford.wordpress.com/support/options-after-sexual-violence/
First Response App: An app developed specifically for Oxford University, providing survivors of sexual violence information on response options and support resources http://www.firstresponseoxford.org/
The University has a Sexual Harassment and Violence Support which provides a safe space for you to be heard, with advisors offering free support and advice to any current student who has been impacted by sexual harassment or violence. Further information can be found here: Sexual Harassment and Violence Support Service | University of Oxford
Harris Manchester is committed to fostering an environment of support and good mental wellbeing and we have several support routes in place if you feel you may be experiencing a mental health condition.
Firstly, please do contact someone. It can be a friend, Tutor, the NHS, family, one of the College Officers, or whoever you feel comfortable talking to. We do not want anyone to suffer in silence but we also understand that it can be hard to talk about mental health issues so anonymous services are also available and be found via the 'Health and Welfare Links' section at the bottom of this page. All conversations about mental health with HMC staff members are treated as confidential unless explicitly stated otherwise (with the consent of the student).
An introduction to a Common Approach to student mental health by Rosalie Chapman, VP Welfare
Counselling Services
The university has an excellent Counselling Service, with professional psychologists who operate a confidential service that you can refer yourself to without involving anyone else. They can speak with you in person, with an appointment or via a drop-in clinic or by video call/phone if you wish. In addition their website provides many links, podcasts and articles that you can use for self-help remotely.
If you feel that you need professional counselling, you may contact the University Counselling Service at 3 Worcester Street (2)70300 or email counselling@admin.ox.ac.uk. For information about the Counselling Service and how to book an appointment please see:
Other Sources of Support for Mental Health
Oxford Safe Haven: https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/service_description/oxford-safe-haven/. Oxford Safe Haven (OSH) provides an additional resource to out-of-hours service and is an alternative to hospital emergency departments for people experiencing a crisis with their mental health.
Nightline: confidential listening, support and information service. 01865 (2)70270 open 8pm-8am, 0th-9th Week. Nightline can also be reached on Skype and Instant Messenger. Their website is https://oxford.nightline.ac.uk/.
The Oxfordshire Mind Guide: Up-to-date directory on all mental health services in Oxfordshire, covering recovery and support groups and community mental health services http://www.oxmindguide.org.uk
Mind, national mental health charity: 0300 123 3393 - Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm or www.mind.org.uk
Student-Run Student Minds: http://www.studentminds.org.uk/
No Panic: for panic attacks and anxiety disorders, 0844 967 4848 orwww.nopanic.org.uk
Samaritans: for mental health concerns 08457 90 90 90 – Open 24/7 every day of the year
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Information:http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mentalhealthinformation/therapies/cognitivebehaviouraltherapy.aspx
Help is at Hand: support and guidance for those bereaved following suicide http://supportaftersuicide.org.uk/support-guides/help-is-at-hand/
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide Support Group: https://uksobs.org/
Talking Space Plus: https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/talkingspaceplus/getting-help/
Togetherall: Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other. By sharing feelings, thoughts, emotions, and experiences, we can all improve our mental health, together. Members can sign up instantly, share anonymously, and access the community at any time, day or night. It’s a place where you can connect with others who understand what you’re going through and benefit from practical wellbeing tools and resources. Whether you’re feeling lonely, stressed, worried, or just not yourself, Togetherall provides a supportive space to help you feel better. Oxford students can access the 24 hour service. Please click here (Students at Oxford now offered our 24 hour online service | Togetherall) for further information.
NHS Oxfordshire Talking Therapies: NHS Oxfordshire Talking Therapies is a free, confidential NHS service available to anyone over the age of 18, registered with a GP in Oxfordshire. Aimed at people experiencing common conditions including stress, anxiety and depression.
How to access
Call 01865 901 222, Monday 8am-5pm, Tuesday to Thursday 8am-8pm or Friday 8am-5pm, or complete an online referral form anytime or get a referred from your GP/Healthcare professional.
For information regarding University welfare services available during the vacation please see Vacation Support.
Nightsafe Oxford is a new network that has formed in order to provide a unified approach to help prevent Violence against Women and Girls in Oxford at night.
The network brings together partners and organisations in the night-time economy, including the police, CCTV operators, Street Pastors, night bus drivers, taxi drivers, licensed premises, door supervisors and university security services. All working together to make Oxford a safe and enjoyable destination for a great night out.
Drink Spiking testing kits are available from the Bursary. Please click here for some advice regarding what to do if you think your drink has been spiked.
Wellbeing Resources
Oxford and Harris Manchester are both great places to explore who you are and to consider questions that you may have never have considered before. We want HMC to be a haven for people of all identities and have worked hard to put in the support structures to allow you to feel comfortable in expressing yourself however you may wish.
The college's LGBTQ+ Officer is Ashley Walters who is always available for a chat on equality and inclusivity queries and can be contacted at ashley.walters@hmc.ox.ac.uk. The JCR and MCR LGBTQ+ Officers similarly provide welfare support and organise social events (see the JCR and MCR pages for more details). These three officers ensure that College and University policies are considerate to LGBTQ+ students and are a support network built by and for the students should any issues arise.
There are also various other organisations such as the LGBTQ+ Society and the SU LGBTQ+ Campaign working to make sure the LGBTQ+ community in Oxford keeps thriving at a University wide level. More information can be found on the LGBTQ+ Society's Website.
If you are worrying about the impact of your personal wellbeing on your academic progress, then we would encourage you to discuss this with your welfare then this should be discussed in the first instance with your present tutor or the supervising tutor in your own subject. The Senior Tutor is available for consultation if further help is needed, as is the University Counselling Service.
If the problem concerns the tutor's teaching then the issue should be raised with the tutor concerned. If it cannot be satisfactorily resolved then it should be taken up with the supervising tutor. If it is still no resolved in a satisfactory way, then it should be referred to the Senior Tutor, and finally to the Principal. It is important to follow this procedure as many issues can be resolved at an early stage and thus unnecessary hurt and anguish may be avoided.
The Take 5 Exam Panic: Innovation Fund project pilot to help Oxford students understand and manage their exam panic using mindfulness theory and exercises: http://exampanic.co.uk/